DigiFab 2D: Laser, CNC and Waterjet

Offered By: Kadenze


Engineering Courses Digital Media Courses Adobe Illustrator Courses Autodesk Fusion 360 Courses Laser Cutting Courses 2D Design Courses

Course Description


Now that you know how everything works in theory, it's time to learn how to actually do it. During this course you will learn how to manipulate vector and raster imagery in Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk Fusion 360 to create files that can be successfully cut out with computer controlled machines such as laser cutters, CNC routers and water jet. This course is designed to familiarize you with the software that will enable you to get what's in your head into your hands. This course is all about 2D design and fabrication for both flatwork such as stickers and papercraft, as well as 3D assemblies from 2D parts.


  • Autodesk Fusion 360: Flat Pack Nesting and Hardware Integration
    • During this session we will integrate Fusion’s insert feature from McMaster-Carr to start building around real world hardware. We will also be looking at methods for nesting our projects to fit on standard sizes of materials, as well as how to do dogbones for CNC cuts.
  • Introduction to Autodesk Fusion 360
    • Autodesk Fusion 360 is a creator's dream. It's a strong and robust parametric drafting program that is easy to use, ever-expanding and a great visualization tool for 2d and 3d parts and full models. This session will be an introduction to its interface, tools and parameters.
  • Adobe Illustrator for Laser Cutting
    • Learning Illustrator is one thing, making laser cuttable and engravable files is another. During this session you will learn what you need to consider to make a successful design that is ready for laser via Ponoko, any other laser cutting service or waterjet.
  • Adobe Illustrator: Finding your Path
    • In this session, we will be using AI’s vector creation tools to make cut lines and engraved lines in materials ranging from paper to hot dogs.

Taught by

Michael Darling

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