Public Speaking - Join the Talk & Spread the Word

Offered By: Homuork via iversity


Public Speaking Courses Presentation Skills Courses Stress Management Courses Body Language Courses Visual Design Courses Speech Writing Courses Audience Engagement Courses

Course Description


'Join the Talk & Spread the Word' is a course developed by Homuork, in collaboration with professors from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona and Public Speaking experts, that aims to explain techniques and provide resources that will aid you in preparing your presentations and delivering ideas convincingly.

Our public speaking is a key element of how we are perceived, both in professional and private environments: that is why it is so scary! For 6 weeks, participants will submerge themselves in the world of public speaking analyzing famous speeches through TED videos, political interventions or business gurus), will work on their individual weak spots, and improve drastically while having fun. Moreover, you’ll have the ability to put your learnings in practice during the 1st Elevator Pitch Contest, which will be held in Spring 2015 in Barcelona!

What do I learn?

The course enables participants to learn tricks and tips to enhance their presentations and therefore feel comfortable while presenting. In addition to taking the course and exchanging with peers, we expect participants to develop an understanding of different communication styles which they can subsequently apply to their daily conversations.


Chapter 1 - Discover your communicative style

Unit 1 - My experience 

Unit 2 - What makes a good presentation?

Unit 3.1 - Communicative styles of your audience

Unit 3.2 - Personal communicative audit - exercice

Chapter 2 - Structure your presentation

Unit 1 - Meet your audience
Unit 2.1 - Preparation technique 1: 6 w's

Unit 2.2 - Preparation technique 2: Visual mapping
Unit 2.3 - Preparation technique 3: Communication circle

Unit 3 - Reason & argue or how to win your battles

Chapter 3 - Write and design your presentation

Unit 1 - Tell us a story
Unit 2 - Be funny 

Unit 3.1 - Write well

Unit 3.2 - Write well: rhetorical resources

 Unit 4 - Be elegant or how to prepare your visuals

Chapter 4 - Rehearse your presentation

Unit 1 - Practice makes excellence

Unit 2.1 - Prepare for rehearsal

Unit 2.2 - Train your diction

Unit 3.1 - Set the tone & speed

Unit 3.2 - Set the tone & speed - exercise
 + bonus track on elevator pitch

Chapter 5 - Deliver your presentation

Unit 1 – Talkative bodies
Unit 2 – What we look like to others
Unit 3 - Use the space
Unit 4 - Stress management 

Unit 5 - Get dressed 
Unit 6 - Holding a Q&A session

Taught by

Alexandra Maratchi Legrain


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