Italian for Beginners 5: Time To Travel

Offered By: The Open University via FutureLearn


Italian Courses Italian Culture Courses

Course Description



This free online course is the fifth of six in the Italian for Beginners program. It will introduce you to the language that you need to:

  • talk about arrival and departure times;
  • enquire about train times;
  • buy a train ticket;
  • ask for information;
  • talk about journey times and distances.

Learn Italian to travel, ask about trains and buy tickets

During the four weeks of the course, you will learn the vocabulary and phrases you need to travel around Italy, such as getting information about train times, buying a ticket or asking how long the journey is.

You will learn to use si (yes) to say how things are done and learn the verbs dovere (to have to), potere (can) and volere (to want). You will continue to develop your language skills, and practice asking for information in Italian. And you will find out about local transport and the rail network and about the geography of Italy.

This course is aimed at people with little prior knowledge of Italian, who want to learn the basic language and find out about Italy and its regions and culture. The course assumes that you have already studied the previous four courses in the Italian for Beginners program. This course is taught through English.

Taught by

Anna Proudfoot


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