Introduction to Social Care

Offered By: The Open University via FutureLearn


Social Work Courses Career Development Courses Social Care Courses

Course Description


Explore the social care sector to support your learning goals

Gain an introduction to social care and understanding of paid and unpaid care work in today’s social care sector.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Introduction to Social Care: What is Social Care?
-Develop an understanding of social care and the role it plays in supporting the independence and wellbeing of those needing care.

Course 2: Introduction to Social Care: Working in Social Care
-Develop essential skills needed for working in social care settings and examine whether a career in social care is right for you.

Course 3: Introduction to Social Care: Understanding Informal Care
-Learn about the importance of informal carers in the social care sector, including their role, rewards, challenges, and support.

Taught by

Anthea Wilson, Fran Wiles and Chris Kubiak


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