Project-Based Learning to Enhance Key Competences

Offered By: School Education Gateway - Teacher Academy via Independent


Course Development Courses Entrepreneurship Courses Lifelong Learning Courses

Course Description


The Project-Based Learning to Enhance Key Competences course introduces you to two key concepts that can help you shift your teaching to an engaging and effective learning process. The course will help you to implement a project-based learning (PBL) approach in your classroom so as to develop key competences for lifelong learning, such as entrepreneurship, digital competence, citizenship, and others.

We will start with a reflection process about the period of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, so as to understand how PBL can be an effective method in online, blended, and face-to-face settings and should be seen as mechanism to take lessons learnt from this period into the new school year.

We will also investigate the different components of a PBL approach, such as student collaboration or student agency, and how they can help us to address some of the key competences for lifelong learning. Furthermore, we will be sharing tools and strategies that can help us to implement a PBL approach and discuss how best to assess PBL.

As part of the course, you will be working on your own PBL scenario for implementation in your classroom, which should set you on a good path to try out this inspiring method once the course comes to an end.



Module 1: Purpose – Why PBL?        

Start date: 28/09/2020 12:00


Module 2: Process – Implementing PBL, Part 1        

Start date: 05/10/2020 12:00


Module 3: Process – Implementing PBL, Part 2        

Start date: 12/10/2020 12:00


Module 4: Outcomes – Assessing PBL           

Start date: 19/10/2020 12:00


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