Gender-based violence in the context of migration

Offered By: Global Campus of Human Rights via Independent


Human Rights Courses Gender Studies Courses International Law Courses Gender-based Violence Courses

Course Description


Forced marriage and domestic abuse can be a driver of migration for women and girls. Being subject to violence is also a major risk along migration routes, where sexual violence is a grave concern. In the destination country, various obstacles can place migrant women and girls more at risk of violence and exploitation, especially those who are undocumented.

Addressing the root causes of forced and economic migration and ensuring that the human rights of women and girls are protected throughout the migration process (across countries of origin, transit and destination) are essential steps towards a stronger recognition of their equal dignity and of their roles in fostering a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable human development.

The international community has developed over time a set of international and regional instruments that protect women and girls from violence and breaches of their human rights. To what extent do these instruments apply in the context of migration? What are the main challenges and obstacles in this area? And where can we find opportunities for improvements?

By answering these questions, this MOOC provides participants with solid knowledge, multiple perspectives and examples of practices applied to a field that is at the crossroads of gender, migration and human rights studies.



Module 1 starts with a discussion on real-life examples of violations of the human rights of migrant and refugee women and girls and then goes on to introduce key concepts, definitions and elements of GBV with attention to the development of the international discourse and related human rights instruments on the topic.

Module 2 is dedicated to the interplay of migration, gender and violence analysed through a human rights lens and examples from different regions of the world.

Module 3 concludes the course with a look at practical implications, challenges but also positive examples and opportunities for change.


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