Elixir School

Offered By: Elixir School via Independent


Elixir Courses Programming Courses Functional Programming Courses Data Processing Courses Metaprogramming Courses

Course Description


Elixir School is the premier destination for people looking to learn and master the Elixir programming language. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or this is your first time, you’ll find what you need in lessons and auxiliary resources.


  • Basics

    1. Basics
    2. Collections
    3. Enum
    4. Pattern Matching
    5. Control Structures
    6. Functions
    7. Pipe Operator
    8. Modules
    9. Mix
    10. Sigils
    11. Documentation
    12. Comprehensions
    13. Strings
    14. Date and Time
    15. IEX Helpers
  • Intermediate

    1. Custom Mix Tasks
    2. Erlang Interoperability
    3. Error Handling
    4. Executables
    5. Concurrency
  • Advanced

    1. OTP Concurrency
    2. OTP Supervisors
    3. OTP Distribution
    4. Metaprogramming
    5. Umbrella Projects
    6. Specifications and types
    7. Behaviours
    8. Protocols
  • Testing

    1. Basics
    2. DoctestsComing Soon
    3. Bypass library
    4. Mox library
    5. StreamData library
  • Data Processing

    1. GenStage library
    2. Flow libraryComing Soon
    3. Broadway libraryComing Soon
  • Ecto

    1. Basics
    2. Changesets
    3. Associations
    4. Querying: Basics
    5. Querying: AdvancedComing Soon
  • Storage

    1. Erlang Term Storage (ETS)
    2. Mnesia
    3. Cachex libraryComing Soon
    4. Redix libraryComing Soon
  • Miscellaneous

    1. Benchee library
    2. Plug library
    3. Embedded Elixir (EEx)
    4. Debugging
    5. Nerves library
    6. Guardian library
    7. Poolboy library
    8. Distillery library
    9. NimblePublisher library

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