Discover Elixir & Phoenix

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Elixir Courses React Courses Redux Courses Phoenix Framework Courses Web Application Development Courses

Course Description


In 2011, José Valim -- a long-time contributor to the Ruby community -- was looking for a way to improve the performance of his company's Rails application when he stumbled upon Erlang.

José was impressed by the Erlang Virtual Machine (a.k.a. BEAM), but felt that the language itself was missing some of the flexibility and constructs that he wanted. To tackle that, he built a brand new language on top of the Erlang VM and called it Elixir.


LESSON 1: Intro & installation
LESSON 2: Elixir basics
LESSON 3: Pattern matching
LESSON 4: Your first Mix program
LESSON 5: Phoenix
LESSON 6: Templates, views and controllers
LESSON 7: Building our first pages
LESSON 8: Ecto
LESSON 9: Changesets
LESSON 10: Forms
LESSON 11: Authentication
LESSON 12: From website to web app
LESSON 13: Crafting components with React
LESSON 14: Building a JSON API
LESSON 15: Fetching JSON data
LESSON 16: Managing state with Redux
LESSON 17: Creating new rooms
LESSON 18: Channels & websockets
LESSON 19: Sending messages
LESSON 20: Docs & testing
LESSON 21: Deploying Phoenix
LESSON 22: Where to go from here

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