Counter Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia (SEA)

Offered By: Global Campus of Human Rights via Independent


Social Sciences Courses Education & Teaching Courses Research Skills Courses Human Trafficking Courses

Course Description


Human trafficking is often described as the new form of slavery for the 21st century. Despite difficulties in collecting data, recent analyses confirm that it is a serious and ongoing problem in many areas and much still needs to be done to prevent it, protect victims and ultimately eradicate it. In recent years, work has been carried out on the impact of counter trafficking, but more is needed on counter trafficking itself.

This online course is going to examine the programmes, practices and activities of counter trafficking by analysing aspects such as raids and rescues, litigation, organising, education. In particular, it will do so by looking at the specific case of South-East Asia (SEA).

The course is going to speak to experts in this area from trade unions, NGOs, international organisations and ask them how counter trafficking is done, what kind of organisations are involved, what the successes, challenges and failures are and what the role of research is, with the aim to equip participants with valuable insights, knowledge and skills.


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