Begin learning Elixir
Offered By: Independent
Course Description
Alchemist Camp has a growing library of resources to help you learn the Elixir language and this page is your brief guide on how to use it.
- Lesson 1: The Guessing Game
- Lesson 2: Word Count
- Lesson 3: Minimal Todo P1
- Lesson 4: Minimal Todo P2
- Lesson 5: Mini-Markdown
- Lesson 6: Alchemy Markdown
- Lesson 7: CLI Applications with Escript
- Lesson 8: Game board
- Lesson 9: State Machine through Pattern Matching
- Lesson 10: Finishing Tictac and making a CLI (optional)
- Lesson 11: A worker to log stats (start of StatWatch project)
- Lesson 12: Constructing bitmap files with Elixir
- Lesson 13: Adding Ecto and a Postgres database to StatWatch
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