Implementing an AI Chatbot with Dialogflow ES

Offered By: Google via Google Cloud Skills Boost


Dialogflow Courses Artificial Intelligence Courses Web Development Courses Data Storage Courses Application Deployment Courses

Course Description


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In this lab you will be introduced to the basics of Dialogflow by building a responsive chat bot, such as those handling support requests on websites, to experience interactive AI in application development.


  • GSP078
  • Overview
  • Setup and requirements
  • Dialogflow concepts and constructs
  • Task 1. Deploy a simple Dialogflow application to submit helpdesk tickets
  • Task 2. Create Intents
  • Task 3. Allow Fulfillment to store help ticket data
  • Task 4. Verify that tickets are logged in Datastore
  • Task 5. Test your Chatbot
  • Task 6. Test your understanding
  • Congratulations!


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