Computer Networking

Offered By: Illinois Institute of Technology via Coursera


Computer Networking Courses Wireless Networking Courses UDP Courses TCP Courses

Course Description


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In this course, you will study the fundamental concepts involved in interconnecting devices for communications. You will also explore protocols, network hardware, and network services. The career skills acquired in this course will begin your journey into the world of networking. At the end of the course, you will be able to: - Compare and contrast Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports, protocols, and their purposes. - Analyze and compare common networking hardware. - Compare and contrast protocols for wireless networking. - Summarize services provided by networked hosts. - Summarize common network configuration concepts. - Compare and contrast Internet connection types, network types, and their features. Software requirements: A Linux/Unix terminal or Windows command prompt. Cisco Packet tracer, Wireshark


  • Module 1: Network Hardware
    • Welcome to Computer Networking! In this course, we will cover the topics of: Network Hardware, Protocols, and Wireless Technology. This module explores communication networks. It examines basic network hardware and communication protocols. The module provides methods for creating networks and discusses network topologies, specifically local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN).
  • Module 2: Protocols
    • This module compares how data is sent over the internet using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). It explores how each uses an Internet Protocol (IP) address for transferring data but through different processes. The module identifies services available through network hosts.
  • Module 3: Wireless Technology
    • This module investigates basics of wireless technology. It explores wireless security and the standard for information technology, specifically IEEE 802.11.
  • Summative Course Assessment
    • This module contains the summative course assessment that has been designed to evaluate your understanding of the course material and assess your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. Be sure to review the course material thoroughly before taking the assessment.

Taught by

Kevin Vaccaro


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