HSK Standard Course Level 4: 4.4
Offered By: Chinese Plus via FutureLearn
Course Description
Gain practical skills in speaking, reading, and writing Chinese
To help develop relationships with people, you must be able to go beyond basic conversations in Chinese.
On this five-week course, you’ll learn master post-intermediate topics, sentence structure, and usage to ensure you can hold deeper Chinese conversations.
This includes 拿..来说, 为了..而, 把..叫做, 一..就, as well as learning how to express your opinions and views on humans and nature, science, and technology.
Develop your knowledge of Chinese characters
With an understanding of how to talk about post-intermediate topics, you’ll then learn how to write about these subject matters.
You’ll delve into different Chinese characters as well as sentence structure and grammar to ensure you can write with clarity.
Learn from the experts at Chinese Plus
Throughout the course, you’ll be guided by the specialists at Chinese Plus.
With their language expertise and through interactive videos, you’ll finish the course with the knowledge to speak, read, and write in Chinese at a post-intermediate level.
This course is designed for anyone with experience in intermediate Chinese. It is recommended that you have completed the HSK 3: Chinese Language for Intermediate ExpertTrack or that you have at least 110 hours of Chinese language experience.
- 生活可以更美好Life can be better
- 小夏出国留学遇到了问题
- 王老板告诉李进自己成功的经验
- 小林不好意思拒绝朋友
- 不要把什么事情都推到明天
- 天外有天,人外有人
- Week 1 Summary
- 人与自然 Humans and nature
- 小夏和安娜在聊天气
- 小林和小李在聊小李的狗
- 马克和小夏在聊动物
- 植物之间的竞争
- 美丽的海底世界
- Week 2 Summary
- 科技与世界 Science, technology and the world
- 王静给孙月推荐一本书
- 李老师和高老师在聊电脑和互联网技术的发展
- 王静和孙月在聊关于梦的情况
- 现在人的生活已经越来越离不开手机了
- 现代科学技术的发展让世界变成“地球村”
- Week 3 Summary
- 生活的味道Taste of life
- 马克申请下个学期继续在学校学习
- 王静做饺子时受伤了
- 安娜帮助马克练习舞蹈动作
- 租房子
- 打乒乓球
- Week 4 Summary
- 路上的风景The view along the way
- 小张去北京,朋友送小张去机场
- 孙月和丈夫计划放寒假带女儿去旅行
- 安娜向马克介绍去丽江旅游的经验
- 中国南北的区别
- 湖南菜
- Week 5 Summary
Taught by
Xiaochen Zhang
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