Healthcare Organization Operations

Offered By: Rutgers University via Coursera


Health Care Courses Business Process Management Courses Quality Improvement Courses

Course Description


The healthcare tetralogy specialization is intended for anyone interested in healthcare organization as practiced in the United States. A range of healthcare organizations are discussed (e.g., medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and public health). The specialization is particularly useful to anyone working in the healthcare industry who either has: 1) a developing interest in the issues important to the administration of healthcare organization operations; or 2) some expertise, but wishes an overview or refresher of the issues. However, those who do not work in the healthcare industry, but who interact with healthcare organizations of any type as patients/consumers will also find the specialization informative. Through the four courses in the specialization, you will cover many aspects of healthcare organization operations including the relationship between healthcare organizations and the health system as well as health care delivery, business process management, and quality improvement within healthcare organizations. Upon completion of the specialization, those who interact with healthcare organizations as patients/consumers will have a better understanding of the issues involved in the effective administration of healthcare organizations and operations. Those working in the healthcare industry, upon completion of the specialization, will be better able to contribute to the effective administration of the healthcare organization’s operations.


Course 1: Healthcare Organizations and the Health System
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. Have you ever been in a healthcare waiting room and thought about how the ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. Have you ever needed health care and thought that there must be better ways to get or ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. Have you ever needed to resolve a billing or other issue with a healthcare ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Quality Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. Have you ever though that healthcare quality could be improved - either where you get ... Enroll for free.


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    13 hours 49 minutes

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    Have you ever though that healthcare quality could be improved - either where you get health care treatment or where you delivery health care? Have you ever thought that there should be a way for you to determine the relative quality of your choices? Have you found yourself thinking that there should be a way for you to provide your view and input on the quality of healthcare organization? Or do you work in a healthcare organization and find yourself thinking that there must be better ways to continuously and systematically improve the quality of your healthcare organization? If you have, this course is for you. Course content includes an overview of quality and quality improvement programs, measures, and data in healthcare organizations. The course provides links to external sites to connect you to the larger "real world" of healthcare organization quality and quality improvement. The links also serve as resources you can take with you after you complete the course experience. And because everyone loves a road trip/field trip, there are also "virtual field trips" to the often hidden places of interest on the web. The course format is readings, videos, quizzes, and a project. The project requires you to synthesize course material to design a quality improvement program for a healthcare organization the way you would have things run in the best of all worlds. The design (submitted as an electronic spreadsheet) is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use as the basis for talks or presentations.
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    13 hours 43 minutes

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    Have you ever needed to resolve a billing or other issue with a healthcare organization and thought that there must be a better, more efficient, and more customer-friendly way to operate such a business process? For example, have you thought that there should be an easier way to read your bill or pay your bill? Or do you work in a healthcare organization and find yourself thinking that there must be better ways for the business processes to function? If you have, this course is for you. Course content includes an overview of healthcare organization business processes including business process management approaches as well as a discussion of healthcare organization entrepreneurship as a business process. The course provides links to external sites to connect you to the larger "real world" of healthcare organization business processes, business process management, and entrepreneurship. The links also serve as resources you can take with you after you complete the course experience. And because everyone loves a road trip/field trip, there are also "virtual field trips" to the often hidden places of interest on the web. The course format is readings, videos, quizzes, and a project. The project requires you to synthesize course material to design patient-centered business processes for a healthcare organization the way you would have things run in the best of all worlds. The design (submitted as an electronic word processing document in memo format) is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use as the basis for a talk or presentation event.
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    17 hours 48 minutes

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    Have you ever been in a healthcare waiting room and thought about how the organization could be more efficient? For example, have you found yourself thinking about how to reduce the amount of time spent waiting? Or do you work in a healthcare organization and find yourself thinking about how to improve the organization? If you have, this course is for you. Course content includes an overview of healthcare organizations, their administration and management, and their governance. The course provides links to external sites to connect you to the larger "real world" of healthcare organizations. The links also serve as resources you can take with you after you complete the course experience. And because everyone loves a road trip/field trip, there are also "virtual field trips" to the often hidden places of interest on the web. The course format is readings, videos, quizzes, and an electronic poster project. The poster project requires you to synthesize course material to design a healthcare organization and governance structure the way you would have things run in the best of all worlds. The electronic poster file is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use for a talk or presentation event.
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    16 hours 37 minutes

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    Have you ever needed health care and thought that there must be better ways to get or deliver health care? For example, have you found yourself thinking that there should be a way to get a diagnostic test or treatment at home? Or do you work in a healthcare organization and find yourself thinking that there must be better ways to deliver health care? If you have, this course is for you. Course content includes an overview of health care delivery including healthcare consumerism, the patient's perspective, health care delivery for sickness and treatment, as well as health care delivery for health and wellness. The course provides links to external sites to connect you to the larger "real world" of healthcare organizations and health care delivery. The links also serve as resources you can take with you after you complete the course experience. And because everyone loves a road trip/field trip, there are also "virtual field trips" to the often hidden places of interest on the web. The course format is readings, videos, quizzes, and a brief electronic PowerPoint presentation project (PowerPoint only - no oral presentation). The PowerPoint project requires you to synthesize course material to design a patient-centered health care delivery system the way you would have things run in the best of all worlds. The electronic PowerPoint presentation file is an artifact of the course which you can circulate to colleagues or use for a talk or presentation event.

Taught by

Margaret Kilduff, Ph.D.


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