Reactive Angular with NgRx
Offered By: Frontend Masters
Course Description
Learn to use Angular with NgRx and RxJs to drastically simplify state management and flow control while cutting down on code volume. We'll integrate NgRx into our app and walk through how to work with stores, actions, reducers, selectors, dev tools and introduce NgRx entity to simplify things even further.
- Course Introduction
- Course Code Tour
- Redux & NgRx Overview
- State Shape, Initial State & Reducer
- Combine Reducers
- Wiring Up the NgRx Store
- Creating Reducers
- Wiring Store to a Component
- Redux Devtools
- NgRx Q&A
- Refactoring Reducers into Actions
- Wiring Actions to a Component
- Entities Using NgRx entity
- Wiring Entities to the Component
- Basic Store Selectors
- Side Effects & Server Calls
- Effects: Data Persistence
- Effects Debug & Review
- Further Refactoring and Q&A
- Computed Data with Selectors
- Facades
- Facade Rationale
- Summary
- Final Q&A
Taught by
Lukas Ruebbelke
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