JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2
Offered By: Frontend Masters
Course Description
Go under the hood of some of the most important aspects of JavaScript! You'll learn what you need to know to become a sought-after, versatile, problem-solving developer. Combining mental models of JavaScript's inner workings and hands-on programming challenges, this course will give you a solid understanding of callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, and object-oriented JavaScript! This course is for developers with a basic to intermediate knowledge of JavaScript who wants to deepen their understanding of the fundamentals to the next level.
- Introduction
- Thread of Execution
- Functions
- Call Stack
- Generalized Functions
- Repeating Functionality
- Higher Order Functions
- Higher Order Functions Example
- Higher Order Functions Q&A
- Callbacks & Higher Order Functions
- Arrow Functions
- Pair Programming
- Closure Introduction
- Returning Functions
- Nested Function Scope
- Retaining Function Memory
- Function Closure
- Closure Q&A
- Closure Technical Definition & Review
- Multiple Closure Instances
- Practical Applications
- Closure Exercises
- Single Threaded Execution Review
- Asynchronicity in JavaScript
- Asynchronous Browser Features
- Web API Example
- Web API Rules
- Callback Queue & Event Loop
- Callback Queue and Event Loop Q&A
- Callback Hell & Async Exercises
- Promises Introduction
- Promises Example: fetch
- Promises Example: then
- Web APIs & Promises Example: fetch
- Web APIs & Promises Example: then
- Web APIs & Promises Example: Microtask Queue
- Promises and Asynchronous Q&A
- Promises Review
- Class & OOP Introduction
- Object Dot Notation
- Factory Functions
- Factory Functions Example
- Prototype Chain
- Prototype Chain Example: Prototypal Link
- Prototype Chain Example: Implicit Parameters
- hasOwnProperty Method
- this Keyword
- Arrow Function Scope & this
- Prototype Chain Review
- new Keyword
- new Keyword Example
- class Keyword
- Wrapping Up
Taught by
Will Sentance
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