Web Scraping with Python - Beautiful Soup Crash Course
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
Dive into web scraping with Python using the Beautiful Soup library in this comprehensive tutorial. Master the basics of HTML structure and tags before installing necessary packages. Learn to scrape local files and websites using Beautiful Soup's find and find_all() methods. Explore the Web Browser Inspect tool and create a basic scraping project to extract prices. Utilize the Requests library to access website HTML and apply best practices for information extraction. Enhance your skills by prettifying job listings, filtering results based on skills, automating the scraping process, and storing data in text files. Gain hands-on experience through practical examples and projects, equipping yourself with valuable web scraping techniques for real-world applications.
Basic HTML Structure, HTML Tags Explanation.
Packages Installation.
Scraping Usage, Local files.
Beautiful Soup find & find_all() methods.
Web Browser Inspect tool.
Grab all Prices, Basic Scraping Project.
Using the Requests Library to see a Website's HTML .
Scraping a Production Website, Best practices for pulling info.
Looping through similar soup.find_all() objects.
Prettifying the Jobs paragraph.
Jobs Filtration by owned skills.
Setting up the Project to scrape every 10 minutes.
Storing the jobs paragraph in text files.
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