Stack Data Structure Tutorial – Solve Coding Challenges

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


Algorithms and Data Structures Courses C++ Courses Technical Interviews Courses Stack Data Structure Courses

Course Description


Master the stack data structure through this comprehensive tutorial designed to prepare you for technical interviews at top tech companies like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. Begin with an introduction to stack implementation in Python3 and C++, then progress through increasingly complex coding challenges from LeetCode and InterviewBit. Explore topics such as simplifying paths, implementing min stacks, solving parentheses-related problems, and tackling calculator questions. Develop problem-solving intuitions as you work through popular interview questions, gradually building your skills to tackle even the most difficult problems with ease. By the end of this 1-2 hour course, you'll have a solid foundation in stack data structures and be well-prepared for technical interviews.


⌨️ Introduction to the course on the Stack data structure
⌨️ Stack implementation intuitions + Code in Python3 and C++
⌨️ Simplify Path | InterviewBit | LeetCode
⌨️ Min Stack | InterviewBit | LeetCode
⌨️ Introduction to Parentheses questions
⌨️ Valid Parentheses | InterviewBit | LeetCode
⌨️ Redundant Braces | InterviewBit
⌨️ Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses | LeetCode
⌨️ Longest Valid Parentheses | LeetCode
⌨️ Introduction to Calculator questions
⌨️ Convert Infix to Postfix
⌨️ Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation| InterviewBit | LeetCode
⌨️ Basic Calculator I, II, III | LeetCode

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