Razor Pages for ASP.NET Core - Full Course (.NET 6)

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


ASP.NET Core Courses CRUD Operations Courses Routing Courses Web Application Development Courses Dependency Injection Courses Razor Pages Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive video course on Razor Pages for ASP.NET Core (.NET 6), designed for developers familiar with ASP.NET Core basics. Master the art of architecting and coding real-world applications through hands-on lessons covering essential topics such as dependency injection, hot reload, routing, data annotations, database integration, CRUD operations, validations, and Azure deployment. Explore advanced concepts like custom validations, partial views, and scaffolding while building a practical category management system. Benefit from expert guidance on best practices, UI enhancements with Bootswatch and Toastr, and gain valuable insights into creating production-ready ASP.NET Core applications.


) Introduction.
) Live Preview.
) Tools Needed.
) Introduction to .NET Core.
) Dependency Injection.
) Create Project.
) Hot Reload.
) Razor Pages Introduction.
) Project File .
) Launchsettings, wwwroot and appsettings.
) Programs.
) Routing Overview.
) Default Views.
) Tag Helper.
) Action Rersult.
) Create Category Model.
) Data Annotations.
) Connection String.
) ApplicationDbContext.
) Program.cs Database Settings.
) Setup Program.cs to use DbContext.
) Create Database.
) Categories Get Action Method.
) Display all categories.
) Add Create Category Button.
) Create Category UI.
) Create Property in Page Model.
) Create Category and Bind Property.
) Bootswatch.
) Server Side Validations.
) Custom Validations.
) Display Name and Range Annotation.
) Client Side Validations.
) Links for Edit and Delete.
) Edit Category.
) Back to List.
) Delete Category.
) TempData.
) Toastr.
) Partial Views.
) Scaffold CRUD Pages.
) Create SQL Database on Azure.
) Deploy to Azure.
) Congratulations.

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