Python Backend Web Development Course (with Django)
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
Intro .
Introduction To Python.
Installation Of Python .
Hello World In Python.
Variables In Python.
Strings In Python.
Numbers In Python.
Getting A User's Input.
Word Replacement Exercise.
List In Python.
List Methods.
Tuples In Python.
Functions In Python.
The Return Keyword .
IF Statements In Python.
Building An Even Number Checker Program.
Dictionaries In Python.
While Loops In Python.
For Loops In Python.
2D Lists.
Comments In Python.
Building A Basic Calculator.
Try Except In Python.
Reading Files.
Writing Files.
Classes and Objects In Python.
Inheritance In Python.
The Python Shell.
Building A Simple Login and SignUp System.
Modules and PIP In Python.
Introduction To Django.
Installation Of Django.
Url Routing And Django Apps.
Django Template Language.
Sending Data To Template File.
Building A Word Counter In Django.
Get vs Post In Django.
Static Files In Django.
Introduction To Django Models.
Django Admin Panel & Manipulation Of Database.
User Registration In Django.
User Login And Logout In Django.
Dynamic Url Routing In Django.
Postgresql Setup.
Building A Blog With Django - Part 1.
Building A Blog With Django - Part 2.
Building A Weather App With Django - Part 1.
Building A Weather App With Django - Part 2.
Building A Realtime Chat Application With Django - Part 1.
Building A Realtime Chat Application With Django - Part 2.
Django Rest Framework Crash Course.
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