Node.js and Express.js - Full Course

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


Node.Js Courses Web Development Courses npm Courses REST APIs Courses Asynchronous Programming Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive 8-hour course exploring Node.js and Express.js. Begin with the fundamentals of Node and Express, progress to building a complex REST API, and culminate in creating a MERN app and other Node projects. Dive into topics such as modules, built-in modules like OS and Path, file system operations, HTTP module, NPM usage, event loop, asynchronous patterns, streams, and more. Explore Express.js concepts including routing, middleware, HTTP methods, and RESTful API development. Gain hands-on experience with practical examples, learn to use Postman for API testing, and understand the intricacies of server-side JavaScript development. By the end of this course, acquire the skills to build robust, scalable web applications using Node.js and Express.js.


Path Module.
Fs Module (Sync).
Fs Module (Async).
Sync Vs Async.
Http Intro.
Http Module (Setup).
Http Module (More Features).
NPM Info.
NPM Command.
First Package.
Share Code.
Global Install.
Important Topics Intro.
Event Loop.
Event Loop Slides.
Event Loop Code Examples.
Async Patterns - Blocking Code.
Async Patterns - Setup Promises.
Async Patterns - Refactor To Async.
Async Patterns - Node's Native Option.
Events Info.
Events Emitter - Code Example.
Events Emitter - Additional Info.
Events Emitter - Http Module Example.
Streams Intro.
Streams - Read File.
Streams - Additional Info.
Streams - Http Example.
End Of Node Tutorial Module.
HTTP Request/Response Cycle.
Http Messages.
Starter Project Install.
Starter Overview.
Http Basics.
Http - Headers.
Http - Request Object.
Http - Html File.
Http - App Example.
Express Info.
Express Basics.
Express - App Example.
Express - All Static.
JSON Basics.
Params, Query String - Setup.
Route Params.
Params - Extra Info.
Query String.
Additional Params And Query String Info.
Middleware - Setup.
Multiple Middleware Functions.
Additional Middleware Info.
Methods - GET.
Methods - POST.
Methods - POST (Form Example).
Methods - POST (Javascript Example).
Install Postman.
Methods - PUT.
Methods - DELETE.
Express Router - Setup.
Express Router - Controllers.

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