Multithreading for Beginners in Java - Comprehensive Guide
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
⌨️ Instructor & Course Introduction
⌨️ Introduction to Multithreading
⌨️ What's sequential Execution
⌨️ Creating threads using Runnable interface
⌨️ Creating threads using Thread class
⌨️ Difference between two approaches of creating threads
⌨️ Join method in Java
⌨️ What are Daemon Threads?
⌨️ What is Thread priority?
⌨️ What are synchronised blocks?
⌨️ Problems of using synchronised blocks
⌨️ Wait & Notify
⌨️ Producer & Consumer using wait & notify
⌨️ Introducing Executor Service
⌨️ Single Thread Executor
⌨️ Fixed Thread Pool Executor
⌨️ Cached Thread Pool Executor
⌨️ Scheduled Thread Pool Executor
⌨️ What's the Ideal Pool size?
⌨️ Callable & Future
⌨️ Introducing synchronised collections
⌨️ Countdown latch
⌨️ Blocking Queue
⌨️ Concurrent Map
⌨️ Cyclic Barrier
⌨️ Exchanger
⌨️ Copy on write array
⌨️ Why do we need Locks?
⌨️ Condition on Locks
⌨️ Reentrant Locks
⌨️ Read Write Locks
⌨️ Visibility Problem in Java
⌨️ Deadlocks in Java
⌨️ What are Atomic Variables?
⌨️ What are Semaphores?
⌨️ What is Mutex?
⌨️ What is ForkJoinPool
⌨️ Good Bye & Thank you!
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