Learn Svelte – Full Course for Beginners

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


Svelte Courses Javascript Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive 23-hour journey to master Svelte, a powerful front-end JavaScript framework for creating interactive web applications. Developed by Li Hau Tan, a core maintainer of Svelte, this extensive course covers everything from writing your first Svelte component to advanced topics like SSR component API and hydration. Learn essential concepts such as reactivity, component lifecycle, stores, actions, and transitions. Dive deep into practical implementations, including infinite lists, tabs, and custom transitions. Explore integration with other libraries, state management techniques, and performance optimization strategies. By the end of this course, gain the skills to build sophisticated, reactive web applications using Svelte's efficient and intuitive approach to front-end development.


⌨️ Introduction
⌨️ Writing your 1st Svelte component
⌨️ Style your Svelte component
⌨️ Adding data to Svelte component
⌨️ Reactivity in Svelte
⌨️ Attaching events in Svelte
⌨️ Reactive Declarations and Statements
⌨️ tick
⌨️ Component and props
⌨️ Component events
⌨️ Forwarding component events
⌨️ class: directive
⌨️ Binding
⌨️ bind:group
⌨️ bind:this
⌨️ Component Lifecycle
⌨️ onMount
⌨️ {#if} block
⌨️ {#each} block
⌨️ keyed {#each} block
⌨️ keyed {#each} visualized
⌨️ {#await} block
⌨️ {#key} block
⌨️ Context
⌨️ Communicating through Context
⌨️ Intro to Svelte store
⌨️ Writable store
⌨️ Readable store
⌨️ Svelte store contract
⌨️ Redux store as Svelte store
⌨️ Valtio state as Svelte store
⌨️ XState as Svelte store
⌨️ DOM events as Svelte store
⌨️ Immer for immutable Svelte store
⌨️ derived Svelte store
⌨️ tweened Svelte store
⌨️ tweened and spring
⌨️ Higher Order Store
⌨️ RxJS as Svelte store
⌨️ Reactive class property using stores
⌨️ Undo / Redo with Svelte store
⌨️ Reactive Context
⌨️ 3 tips to manage complex store
⌨️ get Svelte store value
⌨️ Store vs Context
⌨️ Intro to Svelte action
⌨️ Dynamic parameter in Svelte action
⌨️ What if Svelte action does not exists?
⌨️ Integrating UI library with Svelte action
⌨️ Reusing event listeners with Svelte action
⌨️ Creating events with Svelte action
⌨️ The order of Svelte action
⌨️ use:clickOutside
⌨️ use:tooltip
⌨️ use:viewport
⌨️ use:popper with Popper
⌨️ use:lazyImage
⌨️ Ensemble Actions
⌨️ slot
⌨️ Passing data across slot
⌨️ Slot forwarding
⌨️ $$slots
⌨️ Infinite List
⌨️ Tabs
⌨️ $$props and $$restProps
⌨️ Lazy Component
⌨️ svelte:component
⌨️ svelte:self
⌨️ svelte:window
⌨️ svelte:body
⌨️ svelte:head
⌨️ svelte:options
⌨️ Passing CSS Custom Properties to Component
⌨️ {@html}
⌨️ {@debug}
⌨️ script context="module"
⌨️ Intro to Svelte transitions
⌨️ Coordinating transitions
⌨️ Transition Events
⌨️ Easing
⌨️ Accessible transitions
⌨️ Solid color swipe transition
⌨️ Flipboard transition
⌨️ Client-side component API
⌨️ SSR component API
⌨️ Svelte compiler API
⌨️ Svelte preprocess API
⌨️ Hydrating Svelte component
⌨️ svelte/register
⌨️ Conclusion

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