Learn ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6) - Full Course

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


ASP.NET Core Courses Dependency Injection Courses MVC Architecture Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive tutorial on ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6) and build a simple CRUD application from scratch. Begin with an introduction to .NET Core and essential concepts like dependency injection. Progress through creating a project, understanding MVC architecture, and implementing routing. Set up a database, create models with data annotations, and establish a connection. Develop a fully functional Category CRUD system, incorporating server-side and client-side validation. Enhance the user interface with Bootswatch themes and Bootstrap icons. Explore advanced topics such as partial views, Toastr alerts, and scaffolding. Conclude by deploying your application to Azure, gaining practical experience in cloud hosting. Perfect for beginners and intermediate developers looking to master ASP.NET Core MVC with hands-on practice.


) Welcome.
) Live Preview.
) Tools Needed .
) Introduction to .Net Core.
) Dependency injection.
) Create Project.
) Project File.
) Launch settings.
) Programs.
) MVC Architecture.
) Routing Overview.
) Routing in Action.
) Default Views.
) Tag Helper.
) Action Result.
) Hot Reload.
) Create Category Model.
) Add Data Annotations.
) Add Connection String.
) Add ApplicationDbContext.
) Setup Program.cs to use DbContext.
) Check Database.
) Create Category Controller.
) Retrieve all Categories .
) Display all Categories.
) Bootswatch Theme.
) Bootstrap Icons.
) Create Category View.
) Demo- Create Category .
) Server Side Validation.
) Custom Validation.
) Add Client Side Validation.
) Display Name and Range Validation.
) Edit Category - GET.
) Edit Category - POST.
) Delete Category .
) Tempdata.
) Partial views.
) Toastr Alerts .
) Scaffold CRUD.
) Create SQL Database on Azure.
) Azure Deployment.
) Congratulations.

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