JavaScript ES6, ES7, ES8: Learn to Code on the Bleeding Edge (Full Course)
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
Learn the most modern features of JavaScript, known as ES6+, in this comprehensive video course. Master template literals, destructuring, object literals, for-of loops, spread and rest operators, arrow functions, default parameters, Array.includes(), let and const, export and import, string padding methods, classes, trailing commas, async/await, and Sets. Gain practical knowledge to code on the cutting edge of JavaScript development, with content suitable for both beginners and experienced programmers. Follow along with instructor Dylan Israel as he guides you through each concept, providing clear explanations and practical examples. By the end of this 1-2 hour course, you'll have a solid understanding of the latest JavaScript features and be ready to apply them in your own projects.
⌨️ Template Literals
⌨️ Destructuring
⌨️ Object Literal
⌨️ For of loop
⌨️ Spread operator
⌨️ Rest operator
⌨️ Arrow Functions
⌨️ Default Params
⌨️ Array.includes
⌨️ Let & const
⌨️ Export & import
⌨️ String.padStrart, String.padEnd
⌨️ Classes
⌨️ Trailing commas
⌨️ Async/Await
⌨️ Sets
⌨️ What's Next
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