Build AI Apps with ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GPT-4 – Full Course for Beginners

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


ChatGPT Courses DALL-E Courses GPT-4 Courses

Course Description


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Embark on a comprehensive course designed to teach beginners how to build AI-powered applications using ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GPT-4 APIs. Learn to create a movie pitch generator, develop a GPT-4 chatbot, and build a fine-tuned AI assistant. Explore key concepts such as API integration, model selection, token management, and prompt engineering. Gain hands-on experience with Firebase for database management and Netlify for deployment. Master techniques like few-shot learning, conversation handling, and fine-tuning models. By the end of this 4-5 hour course, acquire the skills to develop and deploy sophisticated AI applications, setting a strong foundation for future AI development projects.


Course Intro
MoviePitch intro
The Boilerplate
Getting an OpenAI API Key
Getting info for fetch request
Building an OpenAI fetch request
The first AI fetch request
Refactor to use dependency l - env variable
Refactor to use dependency ll - The dependency
Refactor to use dependency lll - update fetchReply
Take out of Scrimba
Personalising the message
Aside - few shot approach
Aside - few shot approach ll
Refactor fetchSynopsis
Title and Temperature
Reaching for the stars
Aside - createImage
Displaying the image and finishing off the UX
2:03:16 OutroKnowItAll: GPT-4 Chatbox KnowItAll Intro
Starter Code
Aside: How ChatGPT models work for chatbots
Conversation and instructions
Add user input to conversation array
The createChatCompletion endpoint
The model and object
Render the output, update the array
Aside: Theory: Frequency and presence penalties
presence_penalty practice
frequency_penalty practice
The chatbot’s personality
Firebase Intro
Firebase Account and database set up
Firebase dependency and database set up
Push method and instructions object
Update fetch Reply
Update fetchReply 2
Update the database
Render the conversation from the DB
The “start over” button
3:15:20 OutroWe-Wingit: Fine-tuned chatbot Intro to fine-tuning
Convert the Chatbot to We-Wingit
An Overview of the AI
Data for fine-tuning
The data we’re using
CLI 1 - Setting up the environment
CLI 2 - Data Preparation Tool
CLI 3 - Tuning the model
Updating the JS 1
Updating the JS 2
Updating the JS 3
The Separator
Aside - Stop Sequence
Adding the stop sequence
Intro to deployment
Download and GitHub
Netlify sign-up
Add Netlify env var
Netlify CLI
Netlify serverless function 1
Update fetchReply
Serverless function 2
Serverless function 3
Serverless function 4

Taught by


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