Build a Full Stack Book Store App Using React, Node, MongoDB, and Express

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


React Courses Node.Js Courses MongoDB Courses Redux Courses Mongoose Courses JWT Courses RTK Query Courses

Course Description


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Embark on a comprehensive journey to build a full-stack bookstore application using the MERN stack. Dive deep into frontend and backend development, leveraging React, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Master essential technologies like Tailwind CSS, Redux, RTK Query Toolkit, Mongoose, and JWT for enhanced functionality. Create a feature-rich platform with an admin dashboard, cash-on-delivery system, and inventory management. Implement user-friendly features such as cart management and checkout processes. Develop a secure admin interface for book management, including uploading, updating, and deleting functionalities. Follow along with provided starter files and full source code to construct a robust, scalable bookstore application from the ground up.


Project Overview
Setup Project
Install Tailwind CSS
Setup React Router DOM
Customize Your Project
Create a Responsive Navbar
Banner Section
Top Sellers Section
Recommend Books
News Section
Footer Section
Login and Register Page
Install Redux Toolkit & Add to Cart
Cart Page, Remove from Cart, Clear Cart
Create Checkout Page
Server Setup, Mongoose & MongoDB
Create Blog Schema & Model
Book Routes & Controllers
Create bookApi using RTK Query & Display Books
Firebase Setup, Implement Login & Register
Private Routes
Create Order Endpoint & Place Order
Create Admin & Verify Token
Admin Router & Dashboard Login
Admin Dashboard: Add, Edit & Delete Books
How to Deploy Your MERN Project

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