Blazor Course - Use ASP.NET Core to Build Full-Stack C# Web Apps

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


Blazor Courses C# Courses ASP.NET Core Courses Routing Courses Single-Page Applications Courses Data Binding Courses Full Stack Development Courses

Course Description


Dive into an 8-hour comprehensive course on Blazor, Microsoft's Single Page Application framework that enables full-stack development with C#. Learn the architecture and inner workings of Blazor, then apply your knowledge to create a real-world project. Start with an introduction to Blazor's architecture and hosting models before exploring project structure, data binding, and component basics. Master communication between components, including parameters, event callbacks, and templated components. Understand rendering triggers, lifecycle events, and how to avoid common pitfalls in data initialization. Delve into forms and validations, dependency injection, and state management using Flux in C#. Explore authentication and create a reusable DataGrid component with advanced features like column configuration, paging, and sorting. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to build dynamic, full-stack web applications using C# on both front-end and back-end.


) Introduction.
) Blazor Architecture Overview.
) Blazor Architecture In Depth.
) Blazor Hosting Models.
) Project Structure.
) Data Binding.
) Components Basics.
) Communication Between Components Overview.
) Component Parameters.
) Route Parameters.
) Cascading Parameters.
) EventCallBack.
) Referencing Child Components.
) Templated Components - RenderFragment.
) Templated Components - Generic Typed Item List.
) Templated Components - Generic Typed RenderFragment.
) Templated Components - Generic Typed RenderFragment as a Form.
) When is Rendering Triggered.
) Lifecycle Events Sequence.
) Avoiding Data Initialization Pitfall.
) Forms and Validations.
) Dependency Injection.
) State Management with Flux in C#.
) Authentication.
) Creating a reusable DataGrid Component - Columns Configuration.
) Creating a reusable DataGrid Component - Paging.
) Creating a reusable DataGrid Component - Sorting.
) Thank you and My Contact Info.

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