Asynchronous JavaScript Course (Async/Await, Promises, Callbacks)

Offered By: freeCodeCamp


Javascript Courses Promises Courses Asynchronous JavaScript Courses

Course Description


Dive into the world of asynchronous JavaScript with this comprehensive course covering Async/Await, Promises, and Callbacks. Learn the fundamentals of asynchronous programming, starting with the basics of synchronous vs asynchronous execution. Explore practical examples and master the setTimeout function before delving into callbacks and their implementation. Tackle the concept of callback hell and discover how Promises offer a solution. Understand the Promise cycle, chaining, and error handling techniques. Progress to the modern Async/Await syntax, learning how to use try-catch-finally blocks effectively. Apply your knowledge through hands-on examples, including a fun ice cream-themed project that demonstrates the evolution from callbacks to Async/Await. By the end of this 1-2 hour course, gain the skills to write cleaner, more efficient asynchronous code in JavaScript.


Asynchronous JS.
Sync vs Async .
Examples ☝️ .
setTimeout function.
callbacks w/examples.
ice cream w/ callbacks .
Callback hell.
Promises & promise cycle.
Promise Chaining.
error handling.
finally handler .
Async/ Await .
try catch finally.
Await keyword w/ example.
ice cream w/ async/await.

Taught by


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