
Offered By: CNAM via France Université Numerique


Health Care Courses Public Health Courses Immunology Courses Epidemiology Courses Clinical Trials Courses Vaccine Development Courses Global Health Courses Infectious Diseases Courses

Course Description


« Dans le cadre de l’épidémie du Coronavirus, ce MOOC est accessible en mode
« Archivé ouvert », sans forum ni suivi de l’équipe pédagogique, et aucune attestation de suivi avec succès ou de certificat ne sera délivré. »

About the course / A propos du cours

The objective of this course is to offer an integrated overview of vaccinology, from public health and scientific data justifying the development of a vaccine, to its delivery to the populations in the context of industrialized and developing countries.

Dedicated to candidates with a medical or scientific background who are interested in all aspects of vaccinology: medical and public health students, scientific Master II and PhD students (Immunology, Microbiology), physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians and other health professionals.

The MOOC is composed of 31 lectures presenting historical aspects of vaccines, immunology and design of vaccines, basic principles of preclinical and clinical development, an update of vaccine development for the major infectious diseases, and the future challenges of vaccinology.

L'objectif de ce cours est d'offrir une vision intégrée de la vaccinologie, allant de la santé publique et des données scientifiques qui justifient le développement d'un vaccin, jusqu'à sa distribution aux populations dans le contexte des pays industrialisés et en développement.

Destiné aux personnes ayant une formation médicale ou scientifique qui s'intéressent à tous les aspects de la vaccinologie: étudiants en médecine et en santé publique, Masters scientifiques et doctorants (immunologie, microbiologie), médecins, pharmaciens, vétérinaires et autres professionnels de santé.

Le MOOC est composé de 31 séquences présentant les aspects historiques des vaccins, l'immunologie et la conception des vaccins, les principes de base du développement préclinique et clinique, une mise à jour du développement des vaccins pour les principales maladies infectieuses, et les futurs défis de la vaccinologie.

Format / Format

This MOOC is organized in 6 modules over a time period of 6 weeks. Each module consists of 5/6 video sequences of 10 minutes length on average, followed by two questions to help learners to update their understanding. For each sequence, discussions are open on the forum. The main questions addressed on the forums will be answered weekly in live by hangouts. The videos are in English subtitled in French.

Ce Mooc est organisé en 6 modules sur une durée de 6 semaines. Chaque module se compose de 5/6 séquences vidéos, de 10 minutes chacune en moyenne, suivies de deux questions qui permettent aux apprenants de faire le point sur leurs acquis. Pour chaque séquence, des discussions sont ouvertes sur le forum. Les retours hebdomadaires aux principales questions posées sur les forums, se feront en direct par hangout. Les vidéos sont en anglais sous-titrés en français.

Prerequisites / Prérequis

Background in microbiology, immunology, public health

Connaissances en microbiology, immunology, santé publique.

The teaching team / Les enseignants

Armelle Phalipon

Armelle Phalipon is a microbiologist leading a group within the Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit, INSERM U786, at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Working in the field of diarrheal diseases, her team is interested in deciphering the cross-talks between enteropathogenic bacteria and the host immune system. The main current studies aim at deciphering how Shigella, the bacterium responsible for bacillary dysentery, impacts on the development of the short-term, poorly effective protective immunity elicited in response to infection. Armelle Phalipon has a long-standing interest in combining fundamental and applied research. Indeed, in collaboration with Dr. Laurence Mulard (Institut Pasteur, Paris), she has designed a new type of Shigella vaccine candidate that will enter a phase 1 clinical trial in 2016 for proof of concept in humans. She is co-founder and co-director with Frédéric Tangy of the first International Vaccinology Course launched at the Pasteur Institute in 2008.

Frédéric Tangy

Frédéric Tangy, PhD, Dr.Sc., Director of Research at CNRS, is the head of the Viral Genomics and Vaccination Research Unit at Institut Pasteur, Paris (CNRS UMR-3569). After his PhD in 1980 and his Dr. Sc. in 1984 at Paris VI University he made his career as a virologist first at CNRS then at Institut Pasteur. He is co-director of the international Vaccinology course of Institut Pasteur, vice-president of the Scientific Council of Institut Pasteur, and member of ASM, ESGT, IAS, SFI. He is the author of 110 publications in international scientific journals and 19 international patents. In the recent years, he has developed two research programs: 1) generation of polyvalent viral attenuated vaccines based on a vector derived from measles vaccine. This project extends from the design of antigens and generation of recombinant vectors, to preclinical and clinical development in the field of HIV, dengue, chikungunya and malaria vaccines. 2) The second project investigates the interactions between viral and host proteins in a systematic way using functional genomic approaches such as high-throughput cloning, yeast two-hybrid, deep sequencing and high-throughput drug screening. This project aims at understanding at a molecular level the interactions between viral and host proteins and RNA in the field of paramyxoviruses. These observations lead to identify new drug targets and new determinants of pathogenicity/attenuation.

With the participation of / Avec la participation de

Richard ASPINALLDSc FRCP(Edin) FRCPath Academy of Health and Wellbeing, Anglia Ruskin university
Deborah ATHERLY, Director, Health Economics and Outcomes Research PATH, Seattle USA
Brigitte AUTRAN,CIMI (Centre de recherches Immunologie & Maladies Infectieuses) Université Pierre et Marie Curie Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière Paris France
Michel BEURRET, Scientific Director Bacterial Processes & Analytics, Janssen
Maria Elena BOTTAZZI, PhD FASTMH, Associate Dean National School of Tropical Medicine Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX USA
Stephen BROWN PhD, Executive Director BE Vaccines, Nantes, France
Joël CALMET, Sanofi Pasteur
Diana CHANG BLANC, World Health Organization Expanded Programme on Immunization Programme Operations Team Manager
Behazine COMBADIERE, Director of Research, Inserm, Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses Cimi-Paris, France
Mark FLETCHER Senior Director, Pfizer, Paris
Giuseppe DEL GIUDICE,MD,PhD, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Center Siena, Italy
Francis DELPEYROUX, WHO Collaborative Centre of Research on Enteroviruses & Viral Vaccines. Biology of Enteric Viruses Unit. INSERM U994 – INSTITUT PASTEUR
Othmar G ENGELHARDT, Principal Scientist National Institute for Biological Standards and Control a centre of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Mark FLETCHER, Senior Director, Pfizer, Paris
Guido GRANDI, Prof. Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Marie-Lise GOUGEON, Antiviral Immunity, Biotherapy and Vaccine Unit Institut Pasteur
Nicole GUISO ,Molecular Prevention and Therapy of Human Diseases Research Unit French National Center of Reference for Pertussis and other bordetelloses and for toxinogenic corynebacteria Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Karin HARDT, PhD, Director, Worldwide Vaccinology, Vaccine Education and Medical Training GSK Vaccines
Ruth A. KARRON, M.D., Professor and Director, Center for Immunization Research Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University
Daniel LÉVY-BRUHL, French Institute for Public Health Surveillance
David JM Lewis MD, Imperial College, London
Arnaud MARCHANT,Institute for Medical Immunology Université Libre de Bruxelles
Flor MUNOZ, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas
Stanley PLOTKIN, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics University of Pennsylvania
Audino PODDA, Vaccines Institute for Global Health GSK – Siena Italy
Rino RAPPUOLI, Coordinator of ADITEC European project and Chief Scientist, GSK Vaccines
Zarifah HUSSAIN REED CEO and Chief Medical Officer Vac4All
Rafick-Pierre SEKALY, Professeur Departement de Pathologie Case western Reserve University
Steffen STENGER, Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, University Hospital Ulm, Germany
Daniel TARANTOLA, MD, Former Director of the WHO Programme on Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals WHO Headquarters, Geneva
Angus THOMSON, Director, Vaccination Advocacy, Sanofi Pasteur
Timo VESIKARI, Vaccine Research Center University of Tampere Finland
Peter J. WHITE, Public Health England and Imperial College London, UK

L'équipe de production

Sophie Guichard, Aurélie Jugie, Astrid Rosso
Guillaume Vatan et Christophe Le Nouail

Course syllabus / Plan du cours

Week 1: History - Basics
  • History of vaccines including IP
  • Smallpox eradication
  • Polio eradication
  • Modeling in vaccinology
  • Antigen discovery
Week 2: Basics (second part)
  • Immune memory of vaccines
  • Vaccines for pregnant women
  • Vaccines for neonates
  • Correlates of protection
  • Adjuvants
  • Delivery of vaccines
Week 3: Basics (end) - Preclinical and clinical development
  • On the importance of maintaining vaccine coverage
  • Epidemiology post vaccination: pertussis vaccine example
  • GMP production
  • Immuno-monitoring
  • Phase I/II clinical trials
  • Phase III clinical trials
Week 4: Recent success - New Vaccines made recently available - Improving existing vaccines
  • Success of glycoconjugate vaccines
  • Rotavirus vaccines
  • HPV vaccines
  • Influenza vaccines
  • TB vaccines
Week 5: Vaccines remaining to be developed and implemente
  • RSV vaccines
  • HIV vaccines
  • Malaria vaccines
  • Vaccines against neglected parasites and worms
Week 6: Future challenges
  • Innovation in future vaccines
  • Vaccines for the elderly
  • Vaccine economics
  • Globalization of vaccine production
  • Vaccine implementation on the field
  • Vaccine perception

Social media / Réseaux sociaux

Facebook page / Page Facebook du MOOC Vaccinology Twitter page / Twitter du MOOC Vaccinology Google page / Page Google du MOOC Vaccinology


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a réalisé le MOOC

Conditions d'utilisation

Conditions d’utilisation du contenu du cours

Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification

Cette licence est la plus restrictive des six licences principales, n’autorisant les autres qu’à télécharger vos œuvres et à les partager tant qu’on vous crédite en citant votre nom, mais on ne peut les modifier de quelque façon que ce soit ni les utiliser à des fins commerciales.

Conditions d’utilisation des contenus produits par les participants

Droits réservés

Licence restrictive : la production relève de la propriété intellectuelle de son auteur et ne peut donc pas être réutilisée.


Course syllabus / Plan du cours

Week 1: History - Basics
  • History of vaccines including IP
  • Smallpox eradication
  • Polio eradication
  • Modeling in vaccinology
  • Antigen discovery
Week 2: Basics (second part)
  • Immune memory of vaccines
  • Vaccines for pregnant women
  • Vaccines for neonates
  • Correlates of protection
  • Adjuvants
  • Delivery of vaccines
Week 3: Basics (end) - Preclinical and clinical development
  • On the importance of maintaining vaccine coverage
  • Epidemiology post vaccination: pertussis vaccine example
  • GMP production
  • Immuno-monitoring
  • Phase I/II clinical trials
  • Phase III clinical trials
Week 4: Recent success - New Vaccines made recently available - Improving existing vaccines
  • Success of glycoconjugate vaccines
  • Rotavirus vaccines
  • HPV vaccines
  • Influenza vaccines
  • TB vaccines
Week 5: Vaccines remaining to be developed and implemente
  • RSV vaccines
  • HIV vaccines
  • Malaria vaccines
  • Vaccines against neglected parasites and worms
Week 6: Future challenges
  • Innovation in future vaccines
  • Vaccines for the elderly
  • Vaccine economics
  • Globalization of vaccine production
  • Vaccine implementation on the field
  • Vaccine perception

Taught by

Frédéric Tangy and Armelle Phalipon


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