Financial Investment & Risk Management

Offered By: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University via Coursera


Risk Management Courses Portfolio Management Courses Behavioral Finance Courses

Course Description


All investors in the financial market including large invest companies and private investors face common challenges when they make asset allocation decisions: where to invest, how to fulfill their obligations and what risk to take.

This course will help you to gain skills in making investment decisions in the financial market in the short- and long-term perspective.
The course consists of six modules, after studying which you will be able to:
• critically analyze, interpret information from financial markets, economic calculations;
• develop your own investment strategy;
• calculate the value of an investment portfolio, taking into account transaction and agency costs;
• use data analysis tools to conduct a scenario analysis of changes in the value of an investment portfolio based on changes in investor preferences;
• optimize a portfolio with limited resources;
• identify and assess the risks of investment investments;
• develop risk management measures within the selected strategies and evaluate their effectiveness, given the costs of implementation.

Along the course we provide you with tasks and cases, they will help you to work on practical skills.
Life hacks from our experts will give you the opportunity to navigate the current trends in investment portfolio management.

By the end of the course students will be able not only to analyze the results of calculations by methods of analysis and draw conclusions, but also advise stakeholders on making investment decisions.

We welcome you to try on the role of investor and enjoy the learner experience!


  • The Nature of Financial Investment, Uncertainty and the Rationale for Regulation
    • Welcome to the course! In this opening module we introduce the essential concepts for a better understanding of the process of financial investments. We will start with defining conditions for financial intermediation, then we try to answer the questions: what are the reasons for banking crises and why do we need banking regulation. Along the way we also start talking about the financial portfolio and market risk.
  • Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis
    • This module provides an overview of behavioral finance, and which biases and information processing errors a successful investor should be aware of. We will focus also on the correlation between behavioral finance and technical analysis, and learn what are the market sentiment indicators.
  • Asset Management
    • This module was designed to give you the fundamental knowledge and necessary skills about asset management and allocation strategies. We will apply what we have been learning, we try to build an optimal investment portfolio according to Markowitz model.
  • The Capital Market Pricing Model
    • In this module you will learn what are the main assumptions of Modern Portfolio Theory, what is Efficient Frontier and is there a positive correlation between risk and return. As for practical skills you will figure out how to measure systematic risk, when and how to use Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • International Diversification
    • In this module we cover the details of the market capitalization, describe foreign exchange risk. You will see the diversification advantages for investments and learn how to calculate return from unhedged investments. We take a look also at the example of performance attribution.
  • Recent Trends in Asset & Wealth Management
    • In the final module of the course we will see multiple examples of how much digital technologies changed the financial industry, and have a talk with experts about the vital role of fintech in the banking sphere. Then we also discuss together what are the future technologies that will transform financial markets.

Taught by

Gianfranco Antonio Vento and Yulia I. Cherkasova


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