Financial information and its analysis

Offered By: Tecnológico de Monterrey via edX


Finance Courses Accounting Courses Business Management Courses Cost Analysis Courses Financial Analysis Courses Investment Analysis Courses Financial Statements Courses Financial Accounting Courses Cash Flows Courses

Course Description


Many companies disappear due to mismanagement of their resources, others miss the potential they have by not planning strategically. Accounting gives us the opportunity to understand how the company performs and relates to its environment. Additionally, finance provides us with tools that allow us to analyze the accounting results of the company and the economic factors of the environment to make timely decisions that allow managers to anticipate the different risks posed by the market.

In this course you will learn how the accounting information of a company is integrated in order to read the financial statements and evaluate its financial health. This information will allow you to make decisions about: the financial health of the company, the levels of debt required by the business, the possibilities for investment and growth, the viability of future projects, the best performance indicators and the convenience of buying or renting a active.

Through finance you will learn to identify the best funding alternatives, select the best from among different projects, and manage the company's cash.

The concepts learned are applicable to the company as a whole, to individual projects and even to the management of our personal finances.


Topic 1: Principles of financial accounting :

  • Characteristics and importance of financial information; accounts that make up the financial statements and their interrelation.
  • Assets, liabilities and capital in business success.

Topic 2: Analysis of financial statements:

  • Most important financial statements.
  • Methods and analysis of financial statements ( financial reasons, measuring the liquidity and profitability ) . Decision making according to the results of the analysis.

Topic 3: Cash flow :

  • Importance of cash for the company (uses, sources and activities of cash)
  • Cash flow and cash flow analysis for project analysis.

Topic 4: Advanced Accounting and Finance Topics:

  • Costs and their behavior
  • Marginal cost for decision making.

Taught by

Iván Adolfo Valdovinos Hernández


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