Teoría Política

Offered By: University of Naples Federico II via Federica


Political Science Courses Plato Courses Political Theory Courses

Course Description


The main aim of this MOOC is to present the History of Political Theory from its beginnings in Plato to the theory of Jürgen Habermas. It follows thus the usual presentation of the classics in the canon of political theory, which is mainly author based. Nevertheless, the idea is to use those classics in order to explain the emergence and development of the key political concepts as they appear and evolve in history. For doing this, it would be necessary to offer all the relevant contextual information as well as some unavoidable modules that fulfill the role of offering introductions and summaries of the main periods, the problem of contested and plural interpretations of the authors or the present value of these theories for today’s politics.

As to the methodology and the style of the course, it aspires to be straightforward and simple, dynamic and entertaining. No comprehensiveness is intended, but only the presentation of the main features of the different theories and how they relate to each other.

The course is addressed to a Spanish speaking audience as an aid to teaching in this specialty for Political Science students, but also to more ordinary interested citizen.

Taught by

Fernando Vallespín


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