Prototipazione virtuale

Offered By: University of Naples Federico II via Federica


Engineering Courses Cost Reduction Courses Industrial Design Courses

Course Description


The development of digital prototypes and simulate the performance of industrial products, today constitutes a strategic activity for many companies operating in the global market for the design and industrial production. Such development activities in fact, on the one hand reduces the development time of a new product and, secondly, it Abbot drastically costs since significantly limits the trials conducted by physical prototypes. The methods and tools that enable designers to represent shapes and enrich them as much as possible by the technical characteristics of products and processes constitute an essential knowledge for those who, trusting to the Engineering studies, intends to prepare for the design activities industriale.Il course of geometric modeling and virtual prototyping provides the basis for knowing, understanding and using the three-dimensional computer aided modeling methods and processing methods necessary for the construction and use of prototypes virtuali.Le lessons have recourse to concrete cases industrial product to combine the need for knowledge transfer with the maturation of the skills necessary to undertake consciously 3D CAD modeling and simulation computer aided.

Taught by

Giuseppe Di Gironimo


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