Offered By: Exercism
Course Description
OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles - but don't worry if you're not familiar with these, as it's used as a teaching language by a lot of institutions (including Cornell and Princeton).
One of the best features of OCaml is the rich and powerful type system - this is useful to catch some mistakes early on saving developers a huge amount of frustration. Also, relieves developers from having to specify types in the code - the compiler will work these out for you!
- Hello World
- Leap
- Difference of Squares
- Hamming
- Nucleotide Count
- Raindrops
- RNA Transcription
- Acronym
- Allergies
- Anagram
- Binary Search Tree
- Bob
- Grade School
- Pangram
- Space Age
- Triangle
- All Your Base
- Beer Song
- Binary Search
- Luhn
- Matching Brackets
- Phone Number
- Word Count
- Prime Factors
- Roman Numerals
- Run-Length Encoding
- Say
- Change
- List Ops
- Palindrome Products
- Rectangles
- Robot Name
- Atbash Cipher
- Bowling
- Dominoes
- Minesweeper
- Connect
- Custom Set
- Forth
- Meetup
- Hangman
- React
- Zipper
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