Optimization Strategies and Energy Management Systems

Offered By: EMMA


Civil Engineering Courses Heuristics Courses Discrete Optimization Courses Microgrids Courses Optimization Algorithms Courses

Course Description


Energy is a resource that needs to be managed and decisions need to be made on production, storage, distribution and consumption of energy. Participants attending this course will learn how to recognise and formulate different optimization problems in operation management, and control of energy systems, and how to solve them using existing software and solvers. Different principal algorithms for the linear, network, discrete, and dynamic optimization are introduced and related methodologies together with underlying mathematical structures are described accordingly. Several illustrative examples and optimization problems, ranging from the classical optimization problems to the recent MILP models proposed for the optimization of integrated energy systems (such as residential microgrids) will be introduced and different tools (such as classic mathematical methods, heuristics, and meta-heuristics) will be used for solving several real-world use cases.


Lesson 1 - Introduction to Process Engineering and Energy Management Concept Process system engineering (PSE) 2020/10/16

Lesson 2 - Introduction to Energy System Modelling and Optimization 2020/10/22

Lesson 3 - Introduction to efficient modelling systems and optimization tools for EMS 2020/10/29

Lesson 4 - Optimization Applications in Microgrids and Smart Grids 2020/11/05

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