Get Started with Reason
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Course Description
This course foremost will teach you about the syntax and semantics of the programming language Reason or also referred to as ReasonML. In addition, the course touches on best practices recommended by the official documentation. Each lesson is focusing on a specific feature, concept or best practice and can be watched independently. Still, the whole course is carefully crafted, and each lesson builds up on the previous ones.
- Course Overview: Get started with Reason
- Setting up reason-cli, first Steps with rtop and Editor Support in Reason
- Basic Datatypes and Operators in Reason
- Let bindings, Type Inference and Type Aliases in Reason
- Scope in Reason
- if-else and Switch Expressions in Reason
- Records and Objects in Reason
- Variants and Pattern Matching Variants using switch in Reason
- Elminate Illegal States in Reason with Variants
- Using Reason's Type option
- Declare Functions in Reason
- Chain Functions using the pipe/reverse-application Operator in Reason
- Recursive Functions in Reason
- Tuples, Lists and Arrays in Reason
- Reference Equality vs Structural (deep) Equality
- Pattern Matching using switch in Reason
- Type Parameters in Reason
- Mutable let bindings in Reason
- Exceptions in Reason
- Imperative Loops (for & while) in Reason
- Modules in Reason
- First steps using Reason with BuckleScript
Taught by
Nik Graf
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