Create Fullstack Applications with GraphQL and Apollo

Offered By: egghead.io


GraphQL Courses Web Development Courses React Courses Schema Design Courses Apollo Client Courses Apollo Server Courses

Course Description


GraphQL is a query language for your API that offers a new paradigm for delivering data to clients of all varieties. In this playlist, we’ll build a small fullstack application using GraphQL, Apollo Server, Apollo Client, and React, introducing a multitude of key GraphQL concepts along the way.
We’ll start by building the GraphQL API for a ski day counter application using Apollo Server. Then we’ll immediately send client queries to the GraphQL service to get the data. Later, we’ll incorporate mutations to change data, and we’ll integrate react-apollo to send queries and mutations from React components. Along the way, we’ll introduce useful schema design features like input types, enums, and custom scalars, and we’ll talk about client-side use cases like sending variables and caching. After watching these videos, you’ll be able to work on existing GraphQL projects or start your own with a full command of the fundamentals.


  • Create a GraphQL API with Apollo Server 2.0
  • Fetch Data from a GraphQL API
  • Query a GraphQL API with graphql-request
  • Send a GraphQL Query with Apollo Client
  • Set Up a React GraphQL Client Application with react-apollo
  • Display Query Results using the Query Component
  • Change Data with GraphQL Mutations
  • Increment a Value with the Mutation Component
  • Update the Local Apollo Cache after a Mutation Using writeQuery
  • Create a GraphQL Object Type and Query a List of Objects
  • Display a Data List with the React Apollo Query Component
  • Add Data to an Array with a GraphQL Mutation
  • Incorporate Custom Error Handling within GraphQL Resolvers
  • Handle GraphQL Errors with Apollo Client
  • Define a Custom Scalar Type for a GraphQL API
  • Parsing GraphQL Mutation Arguments with Custom Scalars
  • Wrap GraphQL Mutation Arguments with a GraphQL Input Type
  • Query Enumeration Values from a GraphQL API
  • Use the React Apollo Mutation Component with Input Arguments
  • Update the Apollo Local Cache with the readQuery and writeQuery Methods
  • Remove Items from an Array with a GraphQL Mutation
  • Remove a Data Record with the React Apollo Mutation Component

Taught by

Eve Porcello

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