Build a Sanity CMS Powered SvelteKit Blog
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Course Description
SvelteKit is an application framework that builds on top of Svelte that provides you the app level functionality you need. It does the boring stuff that you don't want to so you can execute on the projects you want.
As you build with SvelteKit, you'll find it continues the philosphy of Svelte by adhering to Web Standards and APIs. It builds on top of Web APIs so when you're develop SvelteKit sites you are also learning skills that will transfer to any web-based project
In this course, you will build a modern SvelteKit blog powered by Sanity CMS. You'll start from scratch and build out a site that dynamically generates pages that you create inside Sanity.
As you build your blog, you will learn how to:
- Style Svelte components with TailwindCSS
- Add error pages to different routes
- Query your CMS in the front end
- Parse and validate your data with Zod and JSDoc
- Deploy both Sanity and your app to the web
- Create a new SvelteKit project
- Understand the Structure of a Svelte Component
- Add a Route to a SvelteKit Application
- Add an Error Page and Layouts to SvelteKit Routes
- Add TailwindCSS to a SvelteKit Project and Build a NavBar Component
- Load Data on a SvelteKit Page with +page.js load Function
- Render Dynamic Pages in SvelteKit with Parameter Based Routing
- Set Up Sanity CMS to Power a SvelteKit Blog
- Query Sanity Content with GROQ to Return a List of Posts
- Query a Sanity CMS from a SvelteKit Blog Frontend with +page.server.js
- Load a Single SvelteKit Post Dynamically & Render Markdown with MDSvex
- Parse and Infer Data Being Fetched in SvelteKit with Zod and JSDoc
- Deploy Sanity and Sveltekit to Production
Taught by
Ben Patton
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