Business Fundamentals: Effective Networking

Offered By: The Open University via FutureLearn


Career Development Courses Social Media Management Courses Personal Branding Courses Professional Relationships Courses Elevator Pitch Courses

Course Description


Build your network and personal brand online and in the real world

Networking is a fundamental business skill, which will help you take control of your career. Understanding the benefits of business networking, and how to overcome common networking barriers is a valuable skill.

This online course introduces the principles of effective networking, which will help develop your personal brand.

You’ll learn how to analyse the value of your existing connections, and find out how to create and manage your digital presence for networking on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

You’ll also learn how to write an elevator pitch and get feedback on it from the course educators.

This course is intended for anyone looking to enhance and develop their professional network in order to open up opportunities and strengthen their professional relationships.

The course does not require any previous experience of studying networking.

For further information about registration, the final assessment course, your eligibility and the BA in Business Management, visit the Open University website.

IMPORTANT! If you are aiming to use your study of courses in the Business and Finance Fundamentals program to obtain academic credit, please be aware that the final planned presentation of the Open University Assessment Course.

Taught by

Giacomo Carli


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