Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android

Offered By: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via edX


Android Development Courses Mobile Development Courses Programming Courses Material Design Courses Android Studio Courses User Interface Design Courses 2D Graphics Courses

Course Description


Have you ever wondered how your favorite mobile applications are developed?

Join us on a gentle journey through the mobile application development landscape, using Android as the platform. Along the way we will learn to use Android Studio, the integrated development environment (IDE) for Android apps. This course is intended for students who have some prior programming experience. The course will introduce you to the basics of the Android platform, Android application components, Activities and their lifecycle, UI design, Multimedia, 2D graphics and networking support in Android.

This course covers the following topics:

  • Android platform and the Android Studio IDE
  • Android components, Activities and their lifecycle, Intents
  • UI Design: Widgets and Layouts, UI Events, Event Listeners
  • 2D graphics: Canvas/Drawing using a view
  • Multimedia: Audio playback and MediaPlayer
  • Network support: AsyncTask, HttpURLConnection


Week 1: The Android Platform: Introduction to the Android platform and the Android Studio IDE, Android components, Activities
Week 2: User Interface Design: Intents, Activity lifecycle, UI Design: Widgets and Layouts, UI Events, Event Listeners
Week 3: Graphics Support in Android: Drawables, Basics of Material Design, 2D graphics: Canvas/Drawing using a view
Week 4: Multimedia in Android: Audio playback and MediaPlayer, SoundPool
Week 5: Networking support: Basics of networking in Android, AsyncTask, HttpURLConnection

Taught by

Jogesh K Muppala


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