EUCalc - Pathway Finder to a low-carbon EU-society
Offered By: Delft University of Technology via edX
Course Description
There are many suggestions and various policies and actions to combat climate change and achieve decarbonization but how do we know which ones will be most beneficial?
For example, what will have the greater impact on emissions: increasing public transportation use or adapting the diet? How much will emissions reduce if we phase out coal by 2025? What impact will increasing heating and cooling efficiency have on total emissions?
In this course you will be introduced to a new tool, the EUCalc Pathways Explorer, which calculates the effects of different adaptations in behavior and changes in technology. This tool consolidates scientific data gathered from researchers world-wide.
The course allows students, engineers, policy and decision makers to learn to use the tool and thereby understand the impacts, trade-offs and synergies of climate change mitigation measures in different sectors and by different lifestyles.
Scenarios can be chosen for actions in transport, diet, consumption and homes, and in technology for buildings, energy, transport and manufacturing. Effects on greenhouses gas emissions, land-use, water scarcity, jobs, air pollution and costs can be seen for each setting. This way you can consider which actions and transitions are required to mitigate climate change effects in Europe and/or its separate Member States.
This course has been designed by TU Delft in collaboration with the partners of the EUCalc project.
The course reflects the author’s views. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730459.
Other instructors:
- Dr. Wusheng Yu, University of Copenhagen
- Prof. Jurgen Kropp, Institute for Climate Change Potsdam
- Dr. Bernd Hezel, Climate Media Factory
- Dr. Judit Kockat, BPIE
- Dr. Joris Melkert, TU Delft
- Dr. Jeremy Woods, Imperial College
- Dr. Onesmus Mwabonje, Imperial College
- Garret Patrick Kelly, SEECHANGE
- Tavishi Gulera (Course builder), TU Delft
- Vincent Renken (Course builder), TU Delft
The course contains three modules:
- Climate change challenges
- Pathways for decarbonization – technologies and sectors
- Zero emission by 2050 – let’s do it!
Taught by
Patricia Osseweijer and Herman Russchenberg
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