Course Creator Plus

Offered By: edX


Online Education Courses Educational Technology Courses Online Course Creation Courses

Course Description


Course Creator Series Plus provides edX partners with the training required to build an online course for the edX platform. There are no prerequisites for this series, just access to the edx.org platform and enthusiasm for online learning!

While this series is open to the public, it is designed specifically for edX partners to learn how to create courses to be run in the edX environment.

These courses cover a wide variety of interests in online learning. In edX101, you will learn the process of building a course on the edX platform. In StudioX you’ll get hands-on instruction and learn how to use the course authoring software. Studio Advanced expands on StudioX with more in-depth course design and building skills. VideoX instructs on media best practices and BlendedX shows you how to design courses that combine classroom-based and online learning instruction.

All the courses draw upon real-world examples and pedagogical principles to help ensure you will learn what it takes to develop high-quality online courses.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: edX101: Overview of Creating an edX Course

A quick course designed to help you explore all of the different steps that go into planning and building an edX course. Perfect for instructors or institutional leadership interested in building a MOOC on edX.

Course 2: StudioX: Creating a Course with edX Studio

Learn the fundamentals of creating courses on the edX platform using edX Studio.

Course 3: Studio Advanced: Expanded Course Creation Techniques

Learn to build better courses in edX Studio

Course 4: VideoX: Creating Video for the edX Platform

Learn the best and most efficient ways to create video content for the edX platform.

Course 5: BlendedX: Blended Learning with edX

Explore ways to blend educational technology with traditional classroom learning to improve educational outcomes. Perfect for instructors or institutional leadership interested in creating blended learning experiences with edX.


  • 0 reviews

    1 week, 1-2 hours a week, 1-2 hours a week

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    This course will be retired on October 31.This course is designed to show faculty, instructors and organizational leadership how to create a course on edX. The course will cover the strategy behind getting the word out about a course, creating course content that is interactive, engaging, and accessible, and delivering a finished course.

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    2 weeks, 3-4 hours a week, 3-4 hours a week

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    Educational technology is developing rapidly, and that development has presented educators with an opportunity to rethink and improve their pedagogical practices. The concept of blended learning provides a framework to help educators integrate online educational technologies into face-to-face classes purposefully. When done effectively, blended learning has been shown to enhance student engagement and improve students’ learning outcomes.

    In this self-paced course, we introduce you to principles and practices of blended learning. We cover the benefits and challenges of creating blended learning experiences, discuss how to design and deliver a successful blended course, and provide specific strategies and examples for using edX content in your classroom. This course is rich with case examples of institutions who have adopted blended learning, with stories shared from faculty around the world. The course also references research on blended learning models, and its impact.

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    3 weeks, 4-6 hours a week, 4-6 hours a week

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    This course will be retired on October 31.

    In this course, we will introduce you to edX Studio, edX’s course-authoring tool. This course is ideal for course authors and course teams interested in uncovering the nuts and bolts of building an edX course. We will cover everything you need to know to successfully create your first course on the edX platform, including:

    • The basics of course set-up
    • Adding course content, including videos, assessments, and interactive components
    • Configuring course settings and optimizing the course experience for learners

    Through engaging activities and hands-on learning, this course will walk you through the course development process directly in Studio.

  • 1 review

    2 weeks, 2-4 hours a week, 2-4 hours a week

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    VideoX is an introduction to the video creation process for edX.org. This course is part of the edX Course Creator XSeries and should be taken after completing StudioX.

    After completing this course, you will be able to:

    • identify best practices for video production and implement them in your edX course,
    • recognize common pitfalls in the video production process and determine how to avoid such difficulties,
    • train your instructor on edX best practices, including edX course segmentation and how to present content on-camera,
    • create an effective plan for video production that accounts for time, resources and your production team's abilities,
    • identify the main recording methods used in video production, understand what each method involves (in terms of technical, physical and logistical considerations) and employ them to create high-quality, impactful videos,
    • utilize non-linear editing systems to manipulate your raw footage and incorporate graphics, animations and third-party media to produce polished video segments,
    • describe the editing process from start to finish,
    • encode your finished videos, upload them to edX and incorporate them into your course, and
    • how to work with instructors - segmentation and how to talk to the camera

    VideoX is a course for everyone and does not require any previous experience in video production. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

  • 0 reviews

    5 weeks, 2-5 hours a week, 2-5 hours a week

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    Studio Advanced is a course for experienced course designers in edX Studio - people who have already built at least one online class on the edX platform. If you're more of an edX beginner, you might want to take StudioX first.

    This course has been designed to enable you to dip in and out of learning as you require it, as well as support linear learning pathways.

    The course is organized into four main sections: advanced planning, improved procedures, short projects and long projects.

Taught by

Raphael Valenti, Ben Piscopo, Amy Woodgate, Mark Rudnick, Sarah McMahon, Ildi Morris, James Donald, Erik Brown, Nina Huntemann, Jeff Jorge, Emily Watson and Colin Fredericks

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