American Government
Offered By: Harvard University via edX
Course Description
American politics has all the aspects of drama, but it has real meaning for people’s everyday lives.
What are the foundations of the U.S. political system? How do leading institutions such as the presidency and Congress operate? Where do public opinion, political parties, groups, and the media fit in? What explains America’s economic, social, and foreign policies?
If exploring these questions interests you, then this is the course for you. This course is an introduction to the U.S. government that draws on political science and cases—such as the Iraq invasion and health care reform—to explain how the U.S. government system works.
No previous study of American politics needed. Join us on a journey into the heart of the U.S. governing system. This course is ideal for:
- College and advanced placement high school students looking for an introduction to American government.
- U.S.-based political science and government teachers looking for a way to augment their own courses.
- Global teachers and educators looking to explain the American political system to their students and citizens.
- Citizens in the U.S. and abroad who want to understand the workings of the U.S. political system.
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I. Foundations
- Political culture
- Limited government
- Representative government
- Federalism
- Civil liberties
- Civil rights
II. Institutions
- Congress & constituency
- Congress & party
- Presidents & domestic policy
- Presidents & foreign policy
- Federal bureaucracy
- Judiciary & Supreme Court
III. Mass Politics
- Public opinion
- Political parties
- Campaigns & elections
- Political movements
- Interest groups
- News media
IV. Public Policy
- Social policy
- Fiscal & monetary policy
- Welfare & income policy
- Regulatory policy
- Foreign policy
- Dynamics of American politics
Taught by
Thomas E. Patterson
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