Drupal 8: Under the Hood
Offered By: SymfonyCasts
Course Description
Drupal 8 comes with a shiny new objecy-oriented base, and a lot of hype surrounding it. But personally, I love it. So in this screencast, I'll take you - Drupal 7 dev - through all of the new concepts, paradigms, terms and patterns in Drupal 8.
We'll go beyond how to do something and explore how things actually work in D8. What are routes? How can I use events to tap into core parts of the system? What's all this dependency injection and service stuff? What's this Drupal Console thing I keep hearing about?
If you're serious about mastering D8, then let's go!
- Installation, Composer and Git!
- Modules, Routes and Controllers
- The Drupal Console & Route Cache
- Routing Wildcards
- Debugging!
- The webprofiler
- What is the Service Container?
- Create a Service
- Configuring a New Service
- How to Get a Service in the Controller
- The Magic Behind Shortcuts Methods is: Services
- Service Arguments
- Configuration Parameters
- Overriding Core Drupal
- Drupal Events versus Hooks
- Event Subscribers and Dependency Injection Tags
- Event Arguments and the Request
- The Render Array... and Event Listeners
Taught by
Ryan Weaver and Leanna Pelham
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