Pop Culture Character Painting in Photoshop
Offered By: Domestika
Course Description
Bring your favorite movie character to life by learning how to paint a realistic digital portrait from scratch
In this online course, Sam takes you step by step through the process of creating a cinematic portrait of your favorite character. Learn how to use Photoshop’s tools to bring painterly portraits to life.
- Introduction
- Preparing to Paint
- Painting Your Portrait
- Completing the Artwork and Sharing It
- Final project
In this online course, Sam takes you step by step through the process of creating a cinematic portrait of your favorite character. Learn how to use Photoshop’s tools to bring painterly portraits to life.
- About Me
- Influences
- Workstation and Brushes
- Light, Shadow and Depth Studies
- Research and Photography References
- Initial Sketch and Rough Background 1
- Initial Sketch and Rough Background 2
- The Main Portrait: Underpainting 1
- The Main Portrait: Underpainting 2
- The Main Portrait: Finessing 1
- The Main Portrait: Finessing 2
- The Main Portrait: Finessing 3
- Details of the Hair 1
- Details of the Hair 2
- Details of the Hair 3
- The Hands 1
- The Hands 2
- The Clothing 1
- The Clothing 2
- The Clothing 3
- Finishing the Background
- Effects and Texture
- Final Details and Colour Grading
- Cropping and Exporting
- Sharing Your Work Online
- Pop Culture Character Painting in Photoshop
Taught by
Sam Gilbey
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