Artistic Portrait Drawing: Capture Authentic Expressions
Offered By: Domestika
Course Description
Draw striking pencil portraits by learning how to apply shadow mapping techniques to capture realistic facial structures
In this course, Sam guides you through his entire process of creating impactful pencil portraits. Learn about the basics of light and shadows, facial structure and proportions, right down to the final details. Are you ready to grab your pencils and start drawing?
- Introduction
- Portrait Fundamentals
- Drawing Proportions and Structure
- Rendering Your Drawing
- Taking Your Drawings Further
- Final project
In this course, Sam guides you through his entire process of creating impactful pencil portraits. Learn about the basics of light and shadows, facial structure and proportions, right down to the final details. Are you ready to grab your pencils and start drawing?
- About Me
- Influences
- Materials
- Behaviour of Light
- Limited Value Drawing 1
- Limited Value Drawing 2
- Choosing a Reference Image
- Lay In Proportions and Structure
- Eyes and Nose
- Mouth and Ears
- Shadow Mapping
- Five Value Drawing
- Hair
- Edges
- Details and Finishing Touches
- Sharing Your Work and Continuing Your Studies
- Artistic Portrait Drawing: Capture Authentic Expressions
Taught by
Sam Brisley
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