Macramé for Beginners: Explore the Art of Knots
Offered By: Domestika
Course Description
Create your own handcrafted artwork and connect with your inner world one macramé knot at a time
In this course, she teaches you the skills to knot any design you can imagine. Create your own wall hanging using a variety of knot styles and techniques to make unique, decorative fiber art for your home. Discover the joy of this rewarding handcraft.
- Introduction
- Materials and Inspiration
- Creating the Final Project
- Styling Your Work
- Final project
In this course, she teaches you the skills to knot any design you can imagine. Create your own wall hanging using a variety of knot styles and techniques to make unique, decorative fiber art for your home. Discover the joy of this rewarding handcraft.
- About Me
- Influences
- Material Exploration 1
- Material Exploration 2
- Basic Knots Library 1
- Basic Knots Library 2
- Basic Knots Library 3
- Choose Your Inspiration
- Design the Wall Hanging
- Determine the Length of Your Material
- Set Up Workstation and Prepare Materials
- Mount the Cords
- Knot the Wall Hanging 1
- Knot the Wall Hanging 2
- Tips for Installation
- Tips for Documenting Your Project
- Macramé: Explore the Art of Knots
Taught by
Emily Katz
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