Dialogflow CX to Firestore using Webhooks to Cloud Functions

Offered By: Google via Google Cloud Skills Boost


Dialogflow Courses Data Integration Courses Cloud Functions Courses Firestore Courses Virtual Agents Courses Webhooks Courses

Course Description


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Create webhooks and add the ability for your Dialogflow CX virtual agent to trigger Cloud Functions that read and write data to and from Firestore collections.


  • GSP755
  • Dialogflow and webhooks
  • Prerequisites
  • Setup and requirements
  • Getting into Dialogflow CX
  • Task 1. Importing a .blob virtual agent file
  • Task 2. Getting familiar with the static version of the virtual agent
  • Task 3. Planning and collecting information you need to complete the project
  • Task 4. Adding a webhook for "cloudioGetMostPlayed"
  • Task 5. Adding the "cloudioGetMostPlayedWH" webhook to the ListMostPlayed flow.
  • Task 6. Testing the "cloudioGetMostPlayedWH" webhook
  • Task 7. Adding a webhook to "accounts" customer data in Firestore
  • Task 8. Adding the "cloudioMakeAccountUpdateWH" webhook to the ChangeTier flow.
  • Task 9. Testing the "cloudioMakeAccountUpdateWH" webhook
  • Task 10. Adding the webhook to the remaining pages
  • Task 11. Testing the "cloudioMakeAccountUpdateWH" webhook for the remaining functionality
  • Resources
  • Congratulations


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