DH Ambulatory Nursing Presents - Professional Telehealth Nursing: More than a Question, Click, and Conclusion
Offered By: Dartmouth College via Independent
Course Description
Dartmouth Health Continuing Education for Professionals Home, DH Ambulatory Nursing Presents - Professional Telehealth Nursing: More than a Question, Click, and Conclusion, 6/11/2021 8:00:00 AM - 6/11/2024 9:00:00 AM, It is said frequently: “I spend too much time on the phone” or “I’m glued to my computer all day.” Triage will always be a critical, complex, and needed component of ambulatory care nursing. However, in the future we must implement models of care that fully utilize the training and expertise of our nurses to meet the growing demand for management of chronic health conditions. There is strong and extensive evidence that implementing team-based care in ambulatory care improves outcomes. This presentation will review and discuss key attributes of effective team-based care, highlight clinics in the DH-H system already utilizing this approach, and end with a discussion on growth opportunities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Kathryn “Kathy” Koehne, DNP, RN-BC
Presenter Bio:
Kathryn “Kathy” Koehne, DNP, RN-BC, has spent over 25 years in the telehealth nursing practice providing direct care, as a consultant, and as a presenter. Her current work includes improving safety and quality in the management of symptom-based calls through developing education, mentoring, and developing curriculum. Dr. Koehne has been the telehealth columnist for the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) publication ViewPoint for over ten years. She has served as an expert witness for cases involving telephone triage practice issues. Recently, she led the implementation of a transformational change in the management of patient phone calls in an integrated health system with clinics in three states. Her current work includes the development of a telephone triage online course and virtual telehealth education and consultation. Kathryn Koehne is board certified in ambulatory nursing and telephone triage practice. She is also trained in Lean Six Sigma and TeamSTEPPS methodologies.
The activity director(s), planning committee member(s), speaker(s), author(s) or anyone in a position to control the content have reported NO financial interest or relationship* with various companies. There were no individuals in a position to control the content that refused to disclose.
*A “financial interest or relationship" refers to an equity position, receipt of royalties, consultantship, funding by a research grant, receiving honoraria for educational services elsewhere, or to any other relationship to a company that provides sufficient reason for disclosure, in keeping with the spirit of the stated policy.
Bibliographic Sources
• Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2012). Nursing process and clinical reasoning. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing), 33(1), 7. Link to Article
• American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (2017). Scope and standards of practice for professional ambulatory care nursing (9th Edition). Author.
• American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (2018). Scope and standards of practice for professional telehealth nursing (6th Edition). Author.
• American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. American Nurses Association.
• Belman, S., Murphy, J., Steiner, J. F., & Kempe, A. (2002). Consistency of triage decisions by call center nurses. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2(5). 396-400. Link to Article
• Christenbery, T.(2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing?: Foundations, skills, and roles. Springer Publishing Company
• DeLaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals of nursing?: Standards & practice: (2nd ed). Delmar Thomson Learning.
• Duffy, T., Donnell, A., & Snowden, A. (2014). Pioneering theories in nursing. Andrews UK.
• Evans, C. D., & Tippins, E. (2008). Foundations of nursing?: An integrated approach. McGraw-Hill Education.
• Graversen D.S., Huibers, L., Christensen, M. B., Flemming, B., Christensen, H.C., & Vestergaard,C.H., & Pedersen, A.F.(2020).Communication quality in telephone triage conducted by general practitioners, nurses or physicians: a quasi-experimental study using the AQTT to assess audio-recorded telephone calls to out-of-hours primary care in Denmark. BMJ Open, 10:e033528. doi: Link to Article
• Russell, K.A. (2012). Nursing practice acts guide & govern nursing practice. Journal of Nursing regulation, 3(3), 36-42. doi: Link to Article
• Schmielding, N.J. (1993). Ida Jean Orlando: A nursing process theory. Sage.
• Toney-Butler, T.J., Thayer, J.M. (2020). Nursing process. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499937/
Activity Details
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Kathryn “Kathy” Koehne, DNP, RN-BC
Presenter Bio:
Kathryn “Kathy” Koehne, DNP, RN-BC, has spent over 25 years in the telehealth nursing practice providing direct care, as a consultant, and as a presenter. Her current work includes improving safety and quality in the management of symptom-based calls through developing education, mentoring, and developing curriculum. Dr. Koehne has been the telehealth columnist for the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) publication ViewPoint for over ten years. She has served as an expert witness for cases involving telephone triage practice issues. Recently, she led the implementation of a transformational change in the management of patient phone calls in an integrated health system with clinics in three states. Her current work includes the development of a telephone triage online course and virtual telehealth education and consultation. Kathryn Koehne is board certified in ambulatory nursing and telephone triage practice. She is also trained in Lean Six Sigma and TeamSTEPPS methodologies.
The activity director(s), planning committee member(s), speaker(s), author(s) or anyone in a position to control the content have reported NO financial interest or relationship* with various companies. There were no individuals in a position to control the content that refused to disclose.
*A “financial interest or relationship" refers to an equity position, receipt of royalties, consultantship, funding by a research grant, receiving honoraria for educational services elsewhere, or to any other relationship to a company that provides sufficient reason for disclosure, in keeping with the spirit of the stated policy.
Bibliographic Sources
• Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2012). Nursing process and clinical reasoning. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing), 33(1), 7. Link to Article
• American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (2017). Scope and standards of practice for professional ambulatory care nursing (9th Edition). Author.
• American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (2018). Scope and standards of practice for professional telehealth nursing (6th Edition). Author.
• American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. American Nurses Association.
• Belman, S., Murphy, J., Steiner, J. F., & Kempe, A. (2002). Consistency of triage decisions by call center nurses. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2(5). 396-400. Link to Article
• Christenbery, T.(2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing?: Foundations, skills, and roles. Springer Publishing Company
• DeLaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals of nursing?: Standards & practice: (2nd ed). Delmar Thomson Learning.
• Duffy, T., Donnell, A., & Snowden, A. (2014). Pioneering theories in nursing. Andrews UK.
• Evans, C. D., & Tippins, E. (2008). Foundations of nursing?: An integrated approach. McGraw-Hill Education.
• Graversen D.S., Huibers, L., Christensen, M. B., Flemming, B., Christensen, H.C., & Vestergaard,C.H., & Pedersen, A.F.(2020).Communication quality in telephone triage conducted by general practitioners, nurses or physicians: a quasi-experimental study using the AQTT to assess audio-recorded telephone calls to out-of-hours primary care in Denmark. BMJ Open, 10:e033528. doi: Link to Article
• Russell, K.A. (2012). Nursing practice acts guide & govern nursing practice. Journal of Nursing regulation, 3(3), 36-42. doi: Link to Article
• Schmielding, N.J. (1993). Ida Jean Orlando: A nursing process theory. Sage.
• Toney-Butler, T.J., Thayer, J.M. (2020). Nursing process. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499937/
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